How Quitting Smoking Helps More Than Just Your Lungs
So we all know of the immediate damages – lung/skin & mouth cancer, dull and dreary looking eyes, reduced athletic performance as well as...
Invisalign: How & Why You Need Them
Invisalign has broken the barrier of adults wearing braces, how you ask? Clear braces – to the extent of being almost invisible making...
How Often Should I Visit The Dentist?
A dental check-up allows your dentist to check for any current or potential dental problems and helps to keep your mouth healthy. Leaving...
Welcome To Our New Website
After having a great amount of success with our refurbishment of the clinic and more, we thought it was time our reflected took a bit of...
Top 10 dental tips for kids!
Ensure healthy eating and drinking 1. Cut down on sugary treat and swap for fruit and vegetables 2. Cut down on fruit juices and swap for...
Top oral hygiene tips!
1. Proper brushing This is one of the easiest steps to help your teeth keep clean. Use a tooth paste containing fluoride to help...
Top 10 food tips for fabulous teeth!
1. Water, water, water! Having a sip of water after your meal, not only washes away food debris or acid from your mouth, it can hydrate...